Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Some thoughts on the eve of the EU Referendum

I have never made any pretense of being anything other than a convinced Europhile and will be casting my vote accordingly in the Referendum tomorrow. The polling booth opens at 7 am and I like to think that I'll be first in the queue (but probably won't be as, let's face it, that is a little early). We've been bombarded from all sides with all shades of opinion and, for the record, I thought I'd pull together some thoughts and impressions of the campaign.
  • The debates I've caught have generated more heat than light with each side countering the others arguments rather than concentrating on the substantive issues. I feel sorry for those who have only just thought about our place in Europe as the debates have probably not helped them to make up their mind.
  • David Cameron has had a competent campaign but I'll admit that I can't get over my antipathy towards him. Jeremy Corbyn? He's not someone who leads from the front and is obviously more used to the endless debates in smoke filled rooms that were so characteristic of Labour party meetings of yore. Sadiq Khan? Either him or Chukka will be Labour leader one day. Boris Johnson? Outright opportunist. Nigel Farage? Outright racist. Ian Duncan Smith? Outright pillock. Michael Gove? Outright nasty.
  • It was always my intention to vote in the way that gives my children and grandchildren the best possible future. To this end I was prepared to vote against my instincts if I felt their needs would be served better by the contrary position. I have to say that I've heard absolutely nothing to suggest that voting 'out' would be in their interests.
  • I've always been of the view that we, as a country, have never really engaged with the EU (name your MEP?) and have always kept it at arm's length. With all this hitherto unaired passion for Europe, maybe our politicians will really get stuck in from now on in?
  • The referendum process? I've found it fascinating and a real change from politicians arguing without party lines. We ought to do it again, perhaps to address the question "Monarchy? Yes or No?".
And now it's over to the Great British Public to have their say. Let's hope it's a good turnout and a decisive result to stay in. Surely it can't go the other way? Can it?

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