Sunday 6 January 2019

In praise of the Goblin Teasmade

A little piece of whimsy for those of a certain age and to mark nine years of blogging as my first post was written on January 6th 2010. I pointed out this milestone to Mrs P earlier on and she expressed surprise. She thought I had been blogging "forever". No, dear, only nine years of drivel: it just seems like forever. But let's move on...……..

It wasn't something that Mrs P and I ever aspired to but suddenly there it was. A gift from Doris and Harry Laws: a Goblin Teasmade. I think there’s something very Terry and June (RIP, June Whitfield) about a Teasmade and it didn't take us very long to see why they went out of fashion.

It’s not the fact that it is just as easy to nip down to the kitchen and boil a kettle or the fact that it is a pain bringing the cups and saucers and milk jug upstairs and then having to take the cups and saucers and milk jug back downstairs for the washing-up. It’s the fact that when the device is starting to get going – gurgling, spitting steam, whistling, clearing its throat as heartedly as a miner coming off shift – you might as well have The Flying Scotsman in the bedroom with you. The first morning we were wide awake ages before the off, watching it warily and suspiciously. That’s right. Warily and suspiciously. The second morning we were woken up by the noise of a foghorn and then blinded by a bright light that flashed on. The third morning I forgot to set the timer. The fourth morning it was back in its box. I can't remember how we got rid of it. Probably to a charity shop. Or maybe as a gift to some unsuspecting friend. I do hope it wasn't you.

And for those of you who have no idea of what I am talking about, take a look at this and be amazed. Just imagine one of these on your bedside table.

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