Tuesday 29 May 2012

Jubilympic Depression

The closer we get to the Diamond Jubilee and the London Olympics, the more I'm feeling like an enormous party-pooper. Am I the only person to be completely unmoved by the faux-festivities? I wish I could crawl away under a stone and not emerge until they are all over. Unfortunately, despite my reservations and strong republican tendencies, I shall smile bravely and take part in whatever I get roped into. Sometimes it's hard being a miserable old git!
I've just taken a look at the official London 2012 on-line shop. Good grief! What a fiesta of patriotic piffle. Is there really a market for 'Team GB Handbag Charms" at £60 a go? And how did the collection of "Host Cities Ingots" sell out at £775 each?  And what about the Team GB Cycling Duck? Who on earth buys these? Oh dear, it could be one of my neighbours. I'd better not go out at night just in case I meet one of these loonies in the lane sporting his/her cycling duck. Well, one thing's for sure, if selling over-priced tat were an Olympic sport, Britain would definately take the gold.

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