Tuesday 25 December 2018

Yo ho ho

Brian Adcock. The Guardian. 24th December 2018
I'll keep this one short and to the point for the sake of the Xmas season and peace on earth.

Stupidgate aside, the sum total of the end of year business in Westminster was the alienation and disenfranchisement of a massive demographic within the UK - those who didn't vote for Brexit. This currently is what Westminster parliament is reduced to. The populations of these islands are hanging off a cliff edge and the two (allegedly) most senior placed politicians in the land have a playground spat and the media (you know, the supposed watchdogs of our democracy) are, with very rare exceptions, absent without leave. Oh, and we discovered that Ohhhhhh Jeremy Corbyn isn’t really capable of walking on water after all. In fact, his feet are well and truly rooted in clay.

The explanation for the past two weeks of party self harm? Labour apparently are waiting for the exact right moment to pounce. We’re literally a hop and skip away from what looks increasingly like a ‘no deal’ Brexit and Labour’s explanation for their inaction is that it’s all part of a cunning plan. It couldn’t possibly be that, as the official party of opposition in what is still a binary system of politics (but possibly for not much longer if the SNP continues to impress), they’ve remained as split and confused as the Tories. The same ideological divisions, yet with less of a sense of purpose, direction or identity than their mates across the chamber. And the leader? Many would say he has some explaining to do to his membership around now. Regardless, Labour won’t be rescuing anyone from any kind of Brexit and the events of the past fortnight make that abundantly clear.

The only real opposition to the UK government and the Brexit narrative has come, and continues to come, from the SNP and that should shame the House of Commons and the population it supposedly represents. A party, by the way, that neither the Tories or Labour even wanted to see there, mainly because it upsets their dominance and shakes their complacency. After all, we can’t have those northern peasants who don’t know their place lecturing folk on democracy, representation or on how to govern the plebs.

Basically around half the populations of these islands have no voice, no representation and no rights as things stand between the UK government and their honourable (?) opposition. How do either of those parties fondly think that’s going to play out in the future? When you alienate and disenfranchise half your population, do you think they’ll just shrug, forgive and forget what’s been denied them or is being done to them? There's a growing view that UK politics isn’t merely broken at this point. It’s seismically fractured. The populations of these islands are facing constitutional crisis. Economic crisis. Societal breakdown and political chaos. All of which has been brought about mainly by the Conservative practice of politics, but, sadly, aided and abetted by an inept opposition. The outcomes of these ignorant and arrogant practices are almost inevitable, some might say.

And those two are still mucking about with party politics, as if sitting in the big chair matters a damn when the ship goes down. At this time of year especially, you’d think that putting childish games aside for the good of ALL of those in your care might have been an idea? Apparently not. The duty of any government, any leader, isn’t just a serving suggestion. Your job is the care of ALL of your population without fear or favour. When you ignore near half of that population? You shame your government, your parliament, your democracy and yourself.

Despite the above, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers, wherever you are and no matter what your political views, ALL the very best for the festive season and a grand new year when it comes. Hopefully, 2019 will see more than a few Christmas wishes granted. Mine are simple: a competent government and a competent opposition. Also, if you can spare anything for local food banks or clothing charities where you live, I'm pretty certain that’ll be more than appreciated by the recipients.

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