Sunday 8 December 2019

General Election 2019:: Post #8: You might be guessing that I'm not a Boris fan

Hooray, Boris Johnson finally did an interview today. To be fair, although he’s still in hiding from Andrew Neil, he has done other challenging interviews. Why, just the other day he appeared alongside Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby on This Morning for some rigorous questioning about who his favourite contestant was on Dancing on Ice. He took some selfies with them. Who says that he’s not being held to account.

Today the bloated one and his artifice of a hairdo appeared on the Sophy Ridge Show on Sky News. It was twenty minutes of harrumphing, recycling lies, talking over the top of a woman and smirking. When asked what was the worst thing he’d ever done, he didn’t say that it was colluding with his criminal pal Darius Guppy who wanted to have a journalist beaten up. He didn’t say that it was cheating on his wife and fathering an unknown number of children that he refused to take responsibility for while castigating single mothers in a press article. He didn’t say that it was making racist, homophobic, or misogynist comments that would shame anyone who possessed a functioning moral compass. He didn’t say that it was ensuring that the British-Iranian journalist Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe received a longer prison sentence because he couldn’t be arsed to speak with care and forethought in the Commons. He didn’t say that it was lying to the Queen. He didn’t say that it was lying constantly and repeatedly every single day of his miserable humming and hawing, cheating, privileged and entitled life. Oh no. He took quite some time to answer. He turned to look for assistance from his policy wonks just off camera. And then, roll of drums, he told us. The worst thing that he has ever done is to ride his bicycle on the pavement. Quite possibly he did so as he was on his way to see Theresa May running through a wheatfield. He smirked as he said it. Whenever Boris Johnson smirks, he’s lying. He can’t help himself. He is convinced of his own cleverness. But riding on pavements is wrong, and if some EU migrant does it, they will be deported forthwith.

It’s not so much that he thinks that we believe him. It’s just that he doesn’t care. Boris Johnson isn’t just amoral, he’s not merely immoral, he’s transmoral. There’s nothing that Boris Johnson believes sincerely and holds dear as a point of principle, other than an unshakeable conviction that he is beyond the rules of morality and decency that the rest of us should live by.

He sat there with his deliberately tousled hair, lying with every breath that he uttered, promising that he’d do Brexit, claiming that there would be no checks on goods passing into Northern Ireland, despite a leaked document produced by his own government which says that there will indeed be checks. Those experts eh? What are they like. What do they know anyway? Boris Johnson is right and everyone else is wrong, including his own civil servants and his own Brexit secretary.

He talked over the top of Sophy Ridge constantly. That’s just how he treats women. That’s just how he treats everyone who he considers to be beneath him. Which is everyone on the planet. And now I’ve noticed his deeply irritating pronounciation of oo as ew, I can’t unnotice it. It’s been added to the long and ever growing list of things to loathe Boris Johnson for. I fear that is a list which is only going to grow ever longer in the months to come. It’s going to be a much longer list than the list of things I disliked about Margaret Thatcher, and that’s a list that fills many tear stained volumes.

How can we trust you, asked Sophy Ridge, how can we believe your promise about extra nurses? Boris Johnson still kept trying to explain how in his universe keeping 19,000 nurses who might otherwise leave the NHS actually counts as extra new nurses. He muttered about seed funding and architects. There was a lot of fnaughing. This is a man who can’t be trusted to complete a coherent sentence. He always comes back to get Brexit done, his favourite lie. Brexit will not get done if the Tories win a majority. It will continue to dominate British politics for many years to come as there are negotiations about the future relationship of the UK with the EU. And make no mistake, the Conservatives will sell out whoever necessary in their pursuit of deals which favour their pals in the City of London.

In his few short months as Prime Minister heading a minority government, Boris Johnson has already trashed what passes for a British constitution. He unlawfully prorogued Parliament, lied to the Head of State, and threatened to ignore votes in the Commons. Just imagine the damage that he can cause if he commands a majority. Doing all that we can to ensure that this deceitful creature and his party of liars, chancers, opportunists, zealots, bigots, and extremists are deprived of a majority is a moral imperative. Never have the stakes in a UK General Election been clearer. The Conservatives represent a direct threat to decency, and to democracy itself.

In England and Wales defeating the Tories means voting for whoever is best placed to defeat the Conservatives. We are better than the Conservatives. We can do better. We can aspire to a country that isn’t characterised by their narrow lipped bigotry, their destruction of public services, their contempt for anyone who disagrees with them. On Thursday, vote for empowerment. Vote for a voice. Vote for decency. Vote for compassion.

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