Tuesday 27 April 2021

Boris Johnson and I

Boris Johnson and I have one thing in common and that is that we are both products of our backgrounds. And that's where the similarity ends - our backgrounds give us each a completely different perspective on the world and, because of this, our politics. Here are two photographs that illustrate my point.

The first is of the man himself in his Bullington Club uniform. For those who do not know, this is a notorious drinking club at Oxford, the entry requirements for which seem to be loads of money, contacts and not minding acting like a knob. The photograph oozes arrogance, privilege and entitlement. And aren't these the character traits coming to the fore in the latest allegations of sleaze?

The second was taken in September 1936 outside of the Workmen's Hall in Bedwas just after the colliers had heard of the success of their stay-down strike at the Navigation Colliery. The sole girl amongst the crowd is my mother and my grandfather is just about visible to the right. This photograph oozes many things but certainly not arrogance or privilege.

We are both the products of our backgrounds but I think mine has given me a better set of principles to live by.

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