Thursday 19 October 2023

National Trust standards are slipping

As a long time member of the National Trust, I take enormous pleasure in visiting their properties around the country and admiring the traditional craftsmanship on display. Naturally, as somewhat of an obsessive nerd,  I am always reassured to see their craftsmen using only old-fashioned slotted screws in all locations. Imagine my horror then when I visited one property recently (I won’t embarrass them by saying where but it’s not far from our home in South East Cornwall and it begins with C) and, while taking a comfort break, I noticed that the exposed pipework in the Gents had been fitted with cross-head screws. Naturally this completely spoilt my visit, not to mention my aim.

Which leaves me in a quandary. In order to prevent further trauma, should I (a) carry a screwdriver and a selection of slotted screws with me on visits in order to replace offending fixings, (b) cancel my National Trust membership in protest forthwith, or (c) get out less? Answers on a postcard, please.

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