Saturday 17 April 2010

We live in interesting times...........if you support the Lib Dems!

Both the TV news and the paper press are full of the way in which the fortunes of the Lib Dems have changed in the aftermath of the first debate. Nick Clegg is the new political pin-up boy, with poor old Gordon being relegated to third position. The polls are fairly variable but the trend is clear - Lib Dem gain at the expense of Labour. What will it mean for the rest of the campaigning? Clearly both Labour and the Tories will take the Lib Dem threat more seriously and will start shooting at them with whatever ammunition they will be able to trawl up. There's a long time to go to May 6th and if Nick Clegg performs less well in the remaining debates, all of this excitement might very well make no discernible difference when voters are in the booth. Which other party stands to lose the most from the Lib Dem 'bounce'? If I were David Cameron, I'd be concerned that the floating voters might see the Lib Dems as a reasonable home for their votes and cause me problems in the marginals. If I were Gordon Brown, I'd be thinking the same. There's no question that Labour are not popular, but then neither are the Tories. Perhaps those who would have put a peg on their nose Eand voted Tory will now feel that they can vote Lib Dem peg-free!

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