Sunday 9 May 2010

Bah, humbug - that'll larn me!

I've yet to make any comments about the aftermath of the General Election and do not intend devoting much time to it now. The deliberations/horse trading are still going on between the Tories and the Lib Dems. The way it looks now is that they will come to some sort of accommodation and I suppose the only surprise will lie in what the details are. Poor old Gordon looks on the way out. There's no chance that he'll end up negotiating with Clegg as I'm sure that he (Clegg) is too far on the hook with Posh Dave. I don't think Gordon will last until the end of the month before he resigns or is 'encouraged' to leave.
At one level, a very interesting time for those who like politics. And I'd count myself in this group but my over-riding emotion is one of disappointment. Disappointed that the one time I vote Lib Dem (to keep the Tories out), I find that I've probably helped to get the Tories in! Woe is me and that will teach me to vote with my head rather than my heart.

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