Thursday 25 August 2011

From Scotland #6: Blog Blitz!

Entries on 5 days out of 6; a first! When will I next do this?
Last day of the hols with a trip to Leith Hall gardens and woodland walks. A very nice garden - probably the best weeded garden we've ever seen - and an extremely pleasant shortish walk across fields and through mature pine woods. The rest of the day was spent reading and generally relaxing.
The situation in Libya continues to get worse. Yes, Gadaffi's regime is in terminal decline but he's still evading captivity and still acting as a focus for resistance. No doubt everyone would prefer that he's taken dead rather than alive but wouldn't it be great if, for once, a dictator was actually brought before the highest court in the world - the International Criminal Court? I don't think Hussein's trial and execution were particularly edifying, neither was the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Let him face his international accusers and let the world see how paper thin the man is. Perhaps if people could see how ordinary and insignificant these 'great' men are, they would be less in awe of them and less likely to be duped in future by similar despots? Pie in the sky, some will think, but it's got to be worth a go. What is the point of having an agreed legal process at that level if we are not going to use it? Would the fact that the USA is not a signatory hve something to do with it?
On a lighter note, Nick Clegg was paint bombed whilst on a visit further south in Scotland earlier today. Not that I condone violence, but I do approve of giving our politicians a hard time. The closer they get to the voters' anger, the greater the chance that they might actually get the message. What they, the ConLibs, are doing is not OK

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