Wednesday 24 August 2011

Why do I blog?

Here's my very first blog entry:

January 6th 2010. The first day of my entry into the blogosphere. Why a blog? Certainly not because I think I've got anything particularly erudite to say. Certainly not because I want to inflict my views upon the rest of the world, although I will probably have a rant about certain things every now and again. Why? Simply because I've wanted to keep a journal for a while and keeping a blog seems to be as good a way as any of doing this. How often will I make an entry? As often as makes sense and with no commitment to make an entry-a-day.

All of that still holds true. I've just looked back over my entries of the past 20 months and I'm surprised by the number of events I've forgotten the details of. It's been quite illuminating doing this and I'm glad that I made those entries. A good enough reason to keep plugging away at it. I did say that I did not want to inflict my views on the rest of the world and I've certainly succeeded in this. I've had all of 4, yes 4, comments in that time! Rather pathetic and maybe I'll put the address on my Facebook page.

1 comment:

Dennis Croome said...

Well, here is No.5! As you know I've just entered the blogosphere and I'm fascinated by the response or lack of. People do seem to prefer replying via Facebook. Keep writing. Looking forward to seeing you over the weekend.