Friday 18 November 2011

Your starter for 10

It's quiz time! Tonight a group of us are putting our brains together and entering a team in a quiz being organised by the PTA of our local Primary School. Tempted as much by the food on offer (Malaysian curries) as the desire to show how smart we are, it should be a good night.

It was while thinking about this quiz that I read a report of something that Nick Clegg said recently. Something about the fact that the Lib Dems are the “only true alternative” to the Conservatives. Alternative, Nick? Really, Nick?

So I thought I'd devise a little quiz for all my readers. First, read through the following and then answer the question:

Cuts to local government funds, abolition of the Agricultural Wages Board for England and Wales, Health and Social Care bill for England, selling off the public forests in England, reactionary changes to social housing tenancies and rents, abolition of the Educational Maintenance Allowance in England, raising of university tuition fees, axing the planned extension to free school meals, cuts to housing benefits, ending the Building Schools for the Future program for England, increasing VAT, abolition of the Future Jobs Fund, privatisation of the NHS..................

Right, now say whether you think these national measures are:
(a) The works o
f Satan or the archangel Gabriel.
(b) The work
s of only the Conservatives, done while the Libdems were out of the room making the coffee and sandwiches.
(c) The works of the Tory Libdem coalition.

Alternative, Nick? Really, Nick? I wonder if we'll be asked tonight who you remind us of?

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