Tuesday 31 March 2015

Accused of being a closet Tory!

We are organising a hustings in the village for all of the candidates in the forthcoming General Election. It was in connection with my involvement in this that someone said to me recently that they expected I would be supporting David Cameron. They were being serious but, as I couldn't see that either of us would get any value from a political discourse, I just said that Cameron and I come from different backgrounds and that informs the way we look at the world.

Here's two photographs that explain why Cameron and I have a completely different perspective on things.

The first is the man himself in his Bullington Club uniform (for those who do not know this is a notorious drinking club at Oxford, the entry requirements for which seem to be loads of money, contacts and not minding acting like a knob).

The second was taken in September 1936 outside of the Workmen's Hall in Bedwas just after the colliers had heard of the success of their stay-down strike at the Navigation Colliery. The sole girl amongst the crowd is my mother and my grandfather is just about visible to the right.

They say that a photograph (in this case, two) is worth ten thousand words. Get the picture?

(If this post is familiar, you've got a good memory as it's a revamp from June 2012. Why waste a good thing?)

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