Saturday 24 December 2016

Убирайся, Путин

Odd things happening on my blogging platform this week with lots of traffic coming from Russia, as the pageview map below shows. Is Putin one of my regular readers or have I been hacked? In either case, a not-so-seasonal message for them: Убирайся, Путин.
Recently all my good intentions to devote some time to my blogging activities before Christmas seem to have been buried under a pyroclastic flow of wrapping paper, greetings cards and miscellaneous seasonal duties. These good intentions have now been postponed for a while and all that remains is for me to find a glass of something suitably refreshing and raise it, as I wish all my readers (even those in Russia) the very best seasonal greetings. As Mr Punch so eloquently put it; "Bumpers All! To Peace And Goodwill"

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