Friday 27 November 2020

(Yet) Another walk from Minions - circumnavigation of Caradon Hill

The weather was set fair and our chosen walk was around Caradon Hill. We've done this one many times but it's yet another that repetition does not reduce the pleasure.
We started at the Hurlers' car park in Minions, headed down through the Gonamena Valley and then around Caradon Hill back to Minions. Just over 5 miles of quite easy walking, with views all the way around.
The abandoned cottages at the top of the Gonamena Incline are known as Ponton's Piece, and are thought to predate the railway that runs beside them. I took this shot ignoring the rule of not pointing the camera into the sun. I like the result as I think it captures the atmosphere of the moment. Long shadows and low clouds in the distance.
This stone marks the top of the Gonamena Incline - LCR = Liskeard and Caradon Railway. At the end of each working day, the heavy, loaded carts would begin their steep descent, with a brakeman on each to keep their speed below the limited 12mph.  In 1859, it is documented that there were 27 brakesmen working on the incline.
Spoil heaps and stacks associated with the various mines of the South Caradon complex.
Jope's Shaft engine house to the right and Holman's Shaft engine house in the middle of these three.
I never visit these old mines without thinking of Mrs P's great, great uncle, John Henry Cook. He started working in the mines in Menheniot when he was seven and then moved to those on Caaradon Hill. In his early 20's, he emigrated to Australia and ended up running a gold mine in Charters Towers in Queensland. His photograph shows him in his Salvation Army uniform.
Looking southwards towards the sea in the general direction of Looe. And in case you are wondering, I've not done anything in the way of post-editing on this one.
A collage from three buzzards. I do like these birds and am so glad that their numbers are on the increase. These three might have been a family group.
What can I say? A tree with Sharptor in the background.
IR shot of mine buildings associated with Jope's and Holman's shafts.
An infra-red tree.

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