Sunday 7 February 2010

What I saw from my window today (07/02/2010)

I seem to have spent more time than normal looking out of the window today. There was no particular reason for this as it was an ordinary sort of day: a damp and misty sort of day: a still and early Spring sort of day.
What was interesting about the view was the number of goldfinches and greenfinches I could see. Both birds are regular visitors to the feeders but it was unusual to see so many. There was a flock of about 20 goldfinches and perhaps 4 pairs of greenfinches. The colours of both are surprisingly bright when viewed through the binoculars. They were feeding on the niger seeds which have been there for several months without attracting them in these sorts of numbers. From the birds' point of view, what was different about today? Was the treasure trove a new discovery for them? Has their normal supply of food got scarcer? Did they just fancy a few black seeds for breakfast?

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