Friday 15 November 2013

A walk in the Duchy Woods: November 15th 2013

A walk in the nearby Duchy Woods down at Broad Mill Ford with two of our three grandsons today. Throwing stones in the stream, splashing in puddles and generally getting wet and muddy. The boys enjoyed it as well.
There were lots of these fungi growing in the leaf mould under the trees. I think they are Tubaria hiemalis (Winter Twiglet), apparently one of the more common species which grows from September to February. And before you ask – no, it’s not edible! Not poisonous, but simply tastes bad. A shame because it wouldn't take long to fill a bucket with them.

The trees laden with moss and lichen give a good indication of the prevailing climate in this part of the world - damp and relatively mild.

Hard to believe that this view incorporates mining evidence dating from the 1300s (the flat floor of the valley due to early tin streaming) to the late 1800s (the 'line' seen running across the photograph above the stream is the course of an old leat carrying water to power wheels for various mechanical processes). All gone now and the sites reclaimed by nature.

One small boy. One large puddle. Fun.

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