Friday 7 March 2014

Today we lead the walk we reconnoitred last week (see here) for our U3A Walking Group. Apart from the company, I think the theme for the day was 'changes'. Even though the route was the same, it was interesting to see the differences the passage of a mere week made. Possibly the most notable was the weather, as some of the photographs below show. Nonetheless, another excellent walk and one that we shall do again, ideally when the bluebells are out.
The view today..........
...and last week.
.......and last week (but not quite the same spot for the shot).
Daffodils and snowdrops last week..................

......and slightly more daffodils and fewer snowdrops this week. I was surprised that the daffodils had not come out more since last week.
The tide was out last week but was coming in as we walked passed the quay today.
More primroses out this week.

Lots of navelwort covering the banks and walls. It is also known as Penny-pies, Wall Pennywort and, more locally, Pig's Bum. It's a perennial and its fleshy leaves are quite edible (and tasty). Later on it will be covered by upright, rod-shaped flowers. It's Latin name - Umbilicus rupestris - derives from its umbilicate (navel-like) leaves. Rupestris means 'living near rocks'. I'll always know it as Pig's Bum!
Lesser celandines (Ranunculus ficaria) are starting to show their bright flowers. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, celandine comes from the Latin chelidonia, meaning swallow: it was said that the flowers bloomed when the swallows returned and faded when they left. The name Ranunculus means "little frog or tadpole," from rana "frog" and a diminutive ending. This perhaps refers to many species being found near water, like frogs, or to the fact that the unopened flowers resemble tadpoles. Who knows but, whatever is correct, it's a nice story.
And when talking about changes, I simply can't ignore the David Bowie song of that name from his Hunky Dory album. It may be 40+ years old but it's still great. Enjoy!


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