Wednesday 16 April 2014

Pigs 'Ere Blog Part 3: Arrival Day minus one

Oooh, the excitement is palpable. Will I be able to sleep tonight? Tomorrow promises to be a day to remember: a walk along the Walkham River to its confluence with the Tavy and, as if that's not enough, we pick up our weaners in the late afternoon from their home at Trevaskis Farm. The final selection hasn't been made yet but the breeder, Giles Eustice, sent me this photograph of the group from which ours will come. Lovely looking, aren't they? I think I'm in love!
There are still a few things to do but at least they'll have somewhere to live as we picked up their ark today from a local maker. Below are the bits and the plan is for it to be assembled sometime tomorrow before they arrive.
Eat your heart out, Ikea. This is flat pack with a vengeance. And do take time to admire my knot tying on the right. Sadly, but not deliberately, Dave's much better effort is out of sight on the left.

Apparently all this lot can be put together by two people in around 30 minutes. I do hope someone sets a stopwatch tomorrow when the 'erection team' gets busy.
And thinking back to the journey of the Little Mole into the wonderful world of excrement, this is what happened when he was at the back end of a pig. I anticipate developing a close relationship with the stuff as time goes by.

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